354 years - that's how long it took until it was agreed that Jesus was born on December 25th. Furius Dionysius Filocalus recorded this date for the first time in his chronograph of 354. The chronograph was a collection in which a wide variety of information was recorded with elaborate illuminations. For example, the work contained a list of the bishops of Rome since Peter or a treatise on the signs of the zodiac and their meaning. In addition to this information, it has now been decided for the first time when we celebrate Christmas.
Martin of Tours, the bishop we know today as Saint Martin, was 38 years old at the time and still a soldier. 20 years earlier, he damaged his uniform by splitting his coat to save the life of a freezing poor man. Martin's funeral on November 11th marks the day of remembrance, which we celebrate today with St. Martin's goose dinner, St. Martin's singing and St. Martin's parades to St. Martin's bonfires.
On November 11th, however, we not only commemorate Saint Martin, the carnivalists also celebrate charity - just as lightly dressed as Martin after sharing the cloak. This 11.11. is a special day in the foolish annual calendar. And the readers who have made it to this point in the text will now be rewarded with the answer to the question of why 11.11 happened. is so special for carnivalists. Because in 354 AD people not only agreed on the date of Jesus' birth. At the same time, a period of fasting until Christmas was set. This time of renunciation began on November 11th. and presumably for practical reasons of avoiding food waste, festive eating and drinking took place again on this day. An analogy to the climax of the fifth season, the days around Rose Monday.
This makes November 11th fitting. also to us. Regardless of whether it's a St. Martin's fire or a sexy costumed nurse: On November 11th. it gets hot. For those who would like to have a cozy evening in front of the fireplace in November with or without a costume, coat and horse, we recommend our Zündling® organic lighter.